Sunday, January 24, 2021

Agriculture which is our wisest pursuit

So I have frequently observed this quote from Jefferson but I found the entire letter to Washington on 14th August 1787. It is a foreshadowing on where we are now.

But in the first place no war can be safe for us which threatens France with an unfavourable issue. And in the next, it will probably embark us again into the ocean of speculation, engage us to overtrade ourselves, convert us into Sea-rovers under French and Dutch colours, divert us from Agriculture which is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness. The wealth acquired by speculation and plunder is fugacious in it's nature and fills society with the spirit of gambling. 

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"I thought this was simply a  nursery rhyme:  how could one bake living birds in a pie? I discovered that royalty and the upper class, ...