Fear mongering comes in shrimp size bites too

Wow this sounds a lot like the rhetoric against modern livestock production. Oh wait it is the same. So I am not in favor of imported food although if you have been enjoying shrimp with no ill effects why would you change your consumption habits now?

Why You May Never Want to Eat Shrimp Again

By the numbers, shrimp is America's No. 1 seafood by a long shot, and a whopping 85 percent of the shrimp we eat is imported. Some is farmed, and some is wild. And when it arrives in the U.S.,  
almost none of this food is ever inspected.

When it is inspected, some of the top reasons it's rejected are "filth," salmonella, and residues of banned veterinary drugs. (Hungry yet?)

Overseas, shrimp is often farmed in ponds that are treated with a long list of chemicals: urea, superphosphate, diesel, piscicides (fish-killing chemicals like chlorine and rotenone), pesticides, antibiotics (including some that are banned in the U.S.), sodium tripolyphosphate (a suspected neurotoxin), borax, and occasionally caustic soda.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Here is today Animal Rights Whackjob movement, this time in the Government

SHOULD goldfish have a voice in parliament? Marianne Thieme, leader of the Dutch Party for the Animals (PvdD) thinks so. Ever since the party won two seats in parliament in 2006, its members have been busy, asking more written questions than most and tabling motions on topics from biotech to halal slaughter to the life of goldfish.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The truth in animal protein production slowly but surely leaking out

With glimmers of truth about modern livestock agriculture surfaces in the particular NPR blog piece it still ignores the fact that animals when managed properly are beneficial to planet and human health. All in all I will take this as a step in the right direction.

Industrial Meat Bad, Small Farm Good? It's Not So Simple

And when it's harder to feed animals, they also produce more emissions. For example, cattle scrounging for food in arid East Africa might release the equivalent of 1,000 pounds of carbon for every pound of protein they produce. Compare that with many parts of the U.S. and Europe, where a cow might generate about 10 pounds of carbon per pound of protein.


The paper also reminds us that India is the world's biggest producer of milk and China, the largest producer of pork. Asia accounts for 55 percent of global pork production, dwarfing Europe (26 percent) and the U.S. (17 percent).

Link to whole story here

Monday, December 16, 2013

Here is today's Whackjob Animal Rights quote

"The Rights of Nature," Roderick Nash describes human progress as the act of granting rights — first to white men who owned property, then to all white men, then to women, then to people of color, etc. Extending the base of that pyramid into the animal kingdom is man's next act of contrition for ten thousand years of domination.

Loos Trails and Tales Dec 16, 2013 Chirikof Island wild cows must go says Steve Delehanty

Hundred if not thousands of cattle live on Chirikof Island a 33,000 acre Island 230 miles SW of Kodiak Island. Steve Delehanty joins me on the air today soliciting comments with the proper way to remove the cows because they are disrupting the ecosystem. Whether that is correct or not it is interesting story.

Guess what is back in the news Wild Cows on Chirikof Island

This was printed in the High Plains Journal back in 2003

Chirikof Island Government Killers
By Trent Loos

I have received many inquiries in the past three weeks about the "wild cows" on Chirikof Island. I have been somewhat silent, waiting for developments to happen without causing any problems. Today I can report the last developments.I was on Chirikof Island from Oct 19- Oct 26. When we left, the boat was to be at the beach within twenty-four hours loading the 80 head that were in a 100 acre pen caring them back to the mainland. It is a thirty boat ride from Kodiak Island...200 hundred miles out to Chirikof Island. The boat arrived about two days later than expected. Now the rush is the winter weather. Evidently, the Pacific Ocean is not an ideal road if you know what I mean.

Link here for rest of the column

BECAUSE Ten years later it is back in the news Dec 2013.

Cattle herds on remote Alaska islands face threat

Federal wildlife managers have asked this month for public comment as they seek to remove nearly 1,000 animals from the uninhabited, isolated islands in southwest Alaska.

"The purpose is to stop the grazing on these two islands," said biologist Steve Ebbert with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. "We know we have a problem."

Link to whole story