Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Libbi with me on a great ride of Titan. Her horse and the first horse she broke quite a talent she is when it comes to horses.
Probably the most important tool here on the ranch in the month of December.
Good old fashioned winter with few days in double digits in the past three weeks.
Eve helping me water cows running on cornstalks.
Sorry for the Holiday break but we have had tremendous family time Christmas and New Years break. So I spent very little time looking at this computer so now time to catch up.

The morning sun on Dec 23, 2012. The Christmas season was very cold and snow cover the whole time.

No words needed.

My Christmas present to my lovely wife Kelli. Okay so if you have never loaded hogs with your spouse this may not make sense. On the other hand if you know what it is like to load without proper fence's and loading ramps you fully understand the importance of this loading chute I just finished in time for Christmas. Love you Kelli.